Day of The Wedding
Q: Can I wash my hair at day of wedding?
A: NO. Because many hairstyles will not stay well on just washed hair. You should wash your hair the night before wedding. After washing your hair, please dry it completely from scalp to hair ends. Try to not use any clips or hair bands.
Please make sure before you see the hairstylist that your hair and scalp is completely dry.
Q: What should I wear when I am having my Hair & Makeup done?
A: You must wear a shirt or top that opens from the front so as not to mess up your newly done Hair & Makeup.
Q: Do I need to prepare the room in any special way for my Hair & Makeup?
A: Where possible set up a low back chair and mirror near a window with natural light. If this is not possible, then please set up a low back chair in a well light room.
Q: How can I touch up myself during my wedding ?
A: You should PRESS off all your Tears, Sweat and Oil by using a tissue or blotting paper. Don’t rub. Then apply loose powder and blush. Last apply lipstick and gloss.
If you wish to have touch up kit (set of powder, blush and lipstick by MAC ), Please order one at your trial.