Makeover self-conscious buster!
From NY Japion Volume 631
Model Before: Eiko Rikuhashi 28 years old
Self-conscious about pale colored eyebrows
Image desired to have: natural fresh looking make up
Today’s point
Choosing an eyebrow pencil that’s lighter than eyebrow color
Also choosing a fine point eyebrow pencil, which is better to draw hair by hair
Left to Right
Smashbox (High Definition)
MAC (Eye Brows Crayon/Fling)
Today’s model Eiko has a problem when doing her own make up. She notices a drastic change in her face because of her pale colored eyebrows and eyelashes. Eiko wants to look cute, but not immature.
Hair and make up artist Ai Sakai says, “let’s do simple or casual make up for you, and that might help to cut the corners for most general peoples make up.”
First Ai used oil free gel foundation which includes SPF 15, and camouflages pores and wrinkles. This product is excellent because after skincare you can apply it without using any other products for base, which helps to cut corners.
It is important not to forget to apply around the edge of the eye line, and also to apply evenly all over the face.
Working with pale colored eyebrows
It is important to choose an eyebrow pencil that is a lighter color than your original eyebrow color.
Ai picked MAC Fling color for Eiko. Ai recommended this color because it looks natural, and one can use it to create beautifully shaped eyebrows. Do not draw in, or shade in eyebrows.
Your image should be to draw in eyebrow hair one by one.
Fresh looking eye make up
The trick to fresh natural looking make up when cutting corners, is eyeliner. Use brown eyeliner over and under eye line because if you use black eyeliner, it will make your eyes look too severe. Bring up your eyelid, and draw inside and outside of upper eye line.
Extend eyeliner 1/16 to 1/8 outside corner of eye, longer and wider. This makes eyes naturally pop out. Draw eyeliner from outside corner 2/3 inward. If a person has never used eyeliner, they should start with pencil eyeliner. For eye shadow, apply on a small section of the eyelid for natural looking eye make up. If applied on the entire lid, it will create a harsh look.
For those who have wider double lids apply on a thin section of the lid first, then open up your eye to check how the color showed up. You can always add more if you desire. These steps are enough for casual looking make up, and for those who want to cut corners.
However, in Eiko’s case, Ai applied individual false eyelashes, and pink-beige lipstick with orange undertones to make her look cute which completed Eiko’s makeover.